PRIME if by land, and two if by sea / and I on the opposite shore will be. You needn't look to the bell tower at the Old North Church, à la Paul Revere, to find the perfect spice blend to season your favorite land-based meat recipes.
A French-inspired collaborative creation by Chef David Baruthio and AllSpice’s spice expert Rory Brown, Prime Land Seasoning blend is ideal for seasoning beef, chicken and pork dishes.
Liberally sprinkle a spoonful of Prime Land Seasoning over meat or poultry before grilling, roasting or poaching. Use it to add a fresh, French touch to egg or vegetable recipes. A little Prime Land Seasoning, whisked together with balsamic vinegar and a single-varietal olive oil, yields a light, herbal dressing for field greens and farmers' market finds.
Ingredients: Salt, pepper, onion, herbs.