A sad fact of being a grown-up is that we often have to sacrifice our more hedonistic pleasures in order to do things that are "good for us." We know it is in our own long-term best interests to give up junk food, late nights, smoking and other indiscretions of youth.
What a delightful discovery to find that there are, at least at Allspice, a few hedonistic pleasures left that are actually good for you! One of these is our French Seafood Seasoning.
French Seafood Seasoning consists of a unique blend of onion, coriander, turmeric, cumin, cinnamon, cayenne, garlic, paprika, pepper and other secret spices. The flavor of French Seafood Seasoning is unlike anything you've ever tasted, an interesting blend, and a particularly good choice for people on salt-free diets. Tasty *and* good for you? Who knew?
Use French Seafood Seasoning in crab cakes and seafood casseroles, in soups, on vegetable dishes, and as an all-purpose seasoning.
Ingredients: Onion, coriander, turmeric, cumin, cinnamon, cayenne, garlic, paprika.