Fennel pollen has an incredible flavor, recalling the mild anise taste of fennel seed, but sweeter and more intense. The bouquet of fennel pollen is warm, sweet and aromatic.
Fennel pollen is, just as it sounds, pollen collected from wild fennel, picked at full bloom to assure the sweetest flavor possible. Often referred to as the "Spice of Angels." It takes many fennel flowers to produce even a small amount of the pollen, making this spice almost as costly as saffron. Fennel Pollen makes any ordinary dish extraordinary.
Use fennel pollen as a dry rub on meats before roasting or grilling, sprinkle on top of fish, or substitute for saffron in rice, pasta, or risotto dishes. Fennel pollen adds bright bursts of flavor to anything, from vegetables to roast chicken. In Italy, where fennel pollen is a traditional ingredient in Tuscan cooking, it is even used to make a fennel pollen pesto. In your kitchen, you might try fennel pollen with olive oil as a bread dip, as a finishing touch for salads, or sprinkled on popcorn with sea salt. Fennel pollen is an incredible seasoning for salmon, roast chicken or pork, on pizza, pasta and risotto, and is even used for a unique taste with fruity desserts.