To hear the word lavender, do you immediately think of the color, or of the spindly flower of the same name? Or do you think of the smell of lavender flowers, at once relaxing and energizing? Lavender evokes the image of the quintessential "English country garden," and is an increasingly popular ingredient in the well stocked American kitchen.
Lavender flowers are a component of the Herbes de Provence culinary blend. Used on its own, lavender flowers may be called for in sauces, wines, teas and tinctures, and to flavor cookies, pound cakes, custards, mousses and even ice cream. Lavender flowers pair well with chocolate, and is sometimes coupled with sheep's-milk and goat's-milk cheeses.
Lavender is delicious rubbed on fowl prior to roasting. Sprinkle lavender flowers over frosted sugar cookies or butter cream iced white cakes for a sophisticated touch. Lavender imparts a delicate flavor to vinaigrette salad dressings and light marinades. In your cooking, use lavender flowers sparingly. A little lavender goes a long way!