Staff Spotlight: Dani

If you're a shop regular on Saturdays or Sundays, you’ll likely recognize Dani, one of our longest-tenured AllSpicers. She's extremely knowledgeable about oil and vinegar pairings.
We sat down with her this week and asked all sorts of questions to help you get to know her better. Read on for the juicy details!
What’s your favorite food?
Definitely lasagna. My grandma made it for us all the time when we were kids. It’s also my favorite thing to cook. I use our Basil Leaf, Mediterranean Oregano, Thyme Leaf, Minced Garlic, and Minced Onion in my recipe. And my secret ingredient is cream cheese – not ricotta or cottage cheese. Delish!
What do you like most about working at AllSpice?
It’s a tie!
First is helping customers. I particularly like helping people discover new flavor combinations at the tasting bar.
Second is my coworkers – they’re the best. I love my Sundays with Mike (watch for his Staff Spotlight soon).

What are you up to when you’re not at the shop?
When I’m not at the shop or my weekday job, I enjoy hanging out with my children and spending time on my woodworking projects. Check out my sweet oil, vinegar, and spice storage cabinet I made by repurposing an old dresser!
How did you first become familiar with AllSpice?
My sister-in-law was a shop regular when she lived in the Des Moines area. She loved it so much I thought I should probably check it out, and I just sort of never left.
What’s something most people don’t know about you?
Well, besides woodworking projects I love to garden and be outside. I regularly bring in my produce haul to share it with the weekend crew.
We love having Dani on the team. Our running joke when something goes wrong is that it’s Dani’s fault. If you hear us giving her a hard time, don’t worry. She dishes out just as much grief as she gets from the AllSpice crew!
Make sure to say hello to Dani the next time you see her at the (tasting) bar.